Artist Member seit 2006
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mischtechnik auf holz Technik: Gemalt mit Spachtelwerkzeug an stelle von dem Pinsel
The 11th Int. Art Fair in Salzburg Brandboxx - the former MGC / MECs - this year attracted many art lovers. The event, which has established itself over the past decade at the Salzburg art market can be best, fair manager Günter Neuwirth in 2008 accounted for a positive: "111 exhibitors from 14th to 16th November 313 artists from 14 nations, the number of visitors amounted to nearly 8,000 art lovers. "Thomas Jungreithmair, center manager of Brandboxx Salzburg is pleased with the successful exhibition:" The show has this year proved to be an attractive platform of Fine Arts and the international Art Fair events greatly enriched. " Basis of this success is undoubtedly the most audience-friendly approach. The art fair is an annual meeting place for international artists - to talk shop, information, enjoy and purchase of images and objects contemporary artists. Different styles, materials and techniques were generous open space for equal attention, making art to life in all its facets. The personal presence of the artist, art, created in dialogue with the live audience and entertaining programs designed artistic frame lasting several hours and visits 500 m2 of space art experience In the "open studio" came at the hands of the artists after the rain last year's interest in public art objects in turn. Direct dialogue between artists and art lovers allowed very personal approaches to modern art. See the fascination with the birth of a live plant to be there, as it won brushstroke by brushstroke of color and expressiveness, intensified by his activism, the art experience. First place Saturday and Sunday jazz brunch - an artistic experiment, which was called "absolutely successful" by the guests as. But also to celebrate artists know, the artist and exhibitor party on Saturday there was an excellent mood. A night that left the artist and her passion in the atmosphere of a giant cheer studios.