Artist Member seit 2006
296 Werke
· 220 Kommentare
with all oues soul to lie under a tree
*Zur Zeit in der Ausstellung Airport - Zürich */
*oel auf holz 3 d-form
Technik: Gemalt mit Spachtelwerkzeug an stelle von dem Pinsel*
What the nature, the trees, the water and the sky feel, gave off from a painting with a extraordinary splendor of colors. Through the extraordinary technique - oil painted with a spatula on the wood - give a three-dimensional effect.
Painting radiate a overwhelming Colourfulness. Due to the special technique - oil on wood trowel - they look three-dimensional. Painted the artist as a child, and in her youth could she with Portraits first successes achieve.
She stopped instead of the Hostess Huguette Hänseler the eulogy at the Vernissage of Saturday evening (text: Marianne Hübscher)
Liebe Grüss Trudi Ercolani, Kloten